Technical Studies
Offshore Wind Supply Chain – Partnership Building
This report was prepared with stakeholder interviews and feedback as part of the Maine Offshore Wind Roadmap process and expands on the findings of the Maine Offshore Wind Supply Chain…
CONTINUE READINGMarket Deployment Strategies for Offshore Wind in Maine
This Market Deployment Strategies for Offshore Wind in Maine report aims to inform the Roadmap about potential strategies the State of Maine can consider to participate in growing the regional…
CONTINUE READINGSocioeconomic Analysis of Offshore Wind in the Gulf of Maine
The objectives of this study were to identify potential benefits and costs of OSW development in the Gulf of Maine. This report estimates dollar values of quantifiable outcomes from economic…
CONTINUE READINGOffshore Wind Energy Needs Assessment
This offshore wind energy needs assessment aims to inform the Roadmap by developing scenarios to estimate offshore wind development in the Gulf of Maine under different potential future electricity demand…
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